
On job market

Marius Morthorst

Aarhus University

I'm a PhD student from Denmark. My main reseach interests are within health and labour economics. Especially I’m interested determinants for take-up of social- and health programs. I have ongoing projects on how families makes health investments, on adverse effects from vaccine take-up and on how workers decsion to apply for disability insurance.

Giovanni Morzenti

Bocconi University

I am a PhD student in Economics and Finance at Bocconi University. I hold a Bachelor and a Master degree from Bocconi University, and I have been a Trainee in the DG-Comp of the European Commission. My main research interests revolve around the relationship between firms’ market power and income inequality. I also study instances of Stealth Consolidation, as exogenous increases in market power. Therefore, my research stands in the intersection between Industrial Organizations and Macroeconomics.

Ana Moura

Tilburg University

Ana Moura is a PhD candidate in Economics at Tilburg University, specializing in health economics and applied microeconometrics. Prior to joining Tiburg University, she worked as an economist at the Portuguese statistics bureau and as a research assistant at Nova School of Public Health and Nova School of Business and Economics. Ana holds a MRes from Tilburg University as well as BSc and MSc degrees in Economics from Nova School of Business and Economics.

Samson Mukanjari

University of Gothenburg

My research interest is in environmental economics with a focus on international climate policy.

Paul Muller

VU University Amsterdam

My research interests are in labor economics with a focus on job-search, policy evaluation and occupational mobility. I also work on the interplay between disability insurance programs and the labor market. My research is empirical, and uses both field experiments and observational (administrative) data.

Philipp Thomas Müller

University of Zurich

Philipp Müller is a second year PhD Student at the chair of Quantitative Business Administration of the University of Zurich and currently attends the Gerzensee Program for Beginning Doctoral Students in Economics. Müller’s research focuses on the estimation of dynamic discrete choice and controlled Markov series. Müller graduated from the ETH Zurich in 2019 and his background spans a range of disciplines: computational finance, computational fluid dynamics and mechanical systems.

Jan Müller-Dethard

University of Mannheim

Jan Müller-Dethard war born on 13 December 1992 in Hannover. After graduating in Management and Finance with a Masters degree from the University of Mannheim in 2016, he started his PhD studies in finance at the University of Mannheim in January 2017. His research is primarily in behavioral finance/economics and household finance.

Philip Nadler

Imperial College London

Philip is a final year PhD candidate at Imperial College in the Department of Computing. His research is at the intersection of econometrics and computer science with a particular interest in the combination of econometric methodology and machine learning to improve high-dimensional inference. His broader research interests lie in the fields of data assimilation, machine learning, high dimensional time series analysis, financial econometrics and deep learning.

Sadao Nagaoka

Tokyo Keizai University

Dr. Sadao Nagaoka is a Professor of economics at Tokyo Keizai University (Japan) and the Program Director for research on Innovation in the Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry (RIETI). He was a professor at the Institute of Innovation Research of Hitotsubashi University (Japan) and was its head. He worked in the MITI, the World Bank and in the OECD. He has been an economic advisor for the JPO and was a member of the Economic and Scientific Advisory Board of the EPO. He has a Ph.D. in Economics from Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Markus Nagler

University of Erlangen-Nuremberg

I am an assistant professor of economics at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg. I am further affiliated with CESifo and LASER. My main research interests are labor economics, the economics of education, and the economics of innovation. I hold a doctoral degree from LMU Munich and a Master’s degree in economics from University College London. During my PhD, I visited the Harvard Kennedy School and the MIT Department of Economics. I have also visited the NBER and Boston University.