Dario Palumbo
Ca' Foscari University of Venice / University of CambridgeCarlo Giannini Research Fellow in Econometrics at Ca' Foscari University of Venice and Bye-Fellow in Economics at Homerton College, University of Cambridge. My research interests are in the area of Time Series. In particular: Observation Driven Models, Count Data, Circular Data, Heavy Tailed Distribution and Financial Econometrics.
Cong Pan
Kyoto Sangyo UniversityI am currently an assistant professor at department of economics, Kyoto Sangyo University. I work on applied microeconomics, mainly industrial organization. I also work on business and marketing topics with a theoretical approach.
Yuhang Pan
The Hong Kong University of Science and TechnologyI am a PhD student at Division of Environment and Sustainability at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. Currently, my research tries to understand the effects of trade liberalization on environment, the cost and benefit of regulation, the health impacts from polluting activities, and the political economy in policy enforcement, with a regional focus on China. My research works have been published on Journal of Environmental Economics and Management and Nature Sustainability.
Yu Pang
Macau University of Science and TechnologyYu Pang is an Assistant Professor of economics at the Macau University of Science and Technology. She obtained her PhD from City University of Hong Kong in 2014. Her main fields of research are Environmental Economics and Public Economics.
Marco Pangallo
Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies, PisaMarco Pangallo is a JSMF Postdoctoral Fellow at the Sant'Anna School for Advanced Studies, Pisa. He is part of the Institute of Economics and of the EMbeDS (Economics and Management in the era of Data Science) department. Marco is generally interested in understanding the economy using insights and tools from complexity science. In his postdoc, he is exploring the potential of Agent-Based Models for forecasting. Marco also works on game theory, housing markets and business cycles.
Ziho Park
University of Chicago, EconomicsI am an economics PhD candidate at the University of Chicago. I am a researcher of empirical macroeconomics and international trade. I use detailed microdata to study the impact of history-defining events such as trade shock from China, trade war, and Covid-19.
Donghyun Park
University of SurreyI am a PhD student in Economics at the University of Surrey. My research interests are in macroeconomics, monetary policy, and inflation expectations and consumption behavior.
Sandra Pasch
DIW BerlinBérengère Patault
CRESTI am a PhD student at Crest/Ecole Polytechnique, and will be going on the Job Market in the Fall 2020. My research interests include Labor Economics and International Trade, with a special focus on firms' growth and labor demand. In my Job Market Paper, I study the role of salesmen's networks on the ability for firms to expand their buyers' portfolio.
Prakash Pathak
Goethe University FrankfurtI am a Ph.D. Candidate at the Graduate School for Economics, Finance and Management (GSEFM) at Goethe University Frankfurt. My research falls in the intersection of development economics, political economy, and environmental economics. Mainly based in Nepal, I use a quasi-experimental approach to study the role of community actors immediately after the 2015 earthquake. I also study the effect of natural disasters on health and education outcomes.