Derin Aksit
Johns Hopkins UniversityDerin Aksit is a PhD candidate at the Johns Hopkins University and will be on the job market in the upcoming academic year. His research interests are in macroeconomics and monetary economics, with a focus on understanding the impact of unconventional monetary policies on financial markets and the macroeconomy. He holds an MA in economics from the Johns Hopkins University and a BA in economics from Bilkent University, Turkey.
Rómulo Alves
Erasmus University RotterdamRómulo is an enthusiastic PhD Candidate in Finance at the Rotterdam School of Management (RSM), Erasmus University Rotterdam. Rómulo completed a MPhil in Economics at the Tinbergen Institute and has visited the London Business School during his PhD. His research interests include corporate social responsibility, corporate governance and the role of social networks in finance and economics.
Daniele Angelini
European University InstituteI am a Ph.D. candidate in Economics at the European University Institute (Florence, Italy) under the supervision of Philipp Kircher and Andrea Mattozzi. I am an applied theorist interested in Labor Markets, Demographic change, and Technological adoption. In my Job Market Paper, I analyze the effect of a change in the age composition of the demand on productivity growth. Consumers of different ages have different abilities, tools, and time to search for goods; a demographic change, therefore, leads to changes in firms' strategies affecting prices, production, and productivity.
Yavuz Arslan
Bank for International SettlementsYavuz has been working for the BIS since 2015. Before, he worked for the Central Bank of Turkey, first as an economist and then as the deputy head of the Research and Monetary Policy Department. He has a PhD from the University of Rochester and a Bachelor of Chemistry from Bilkent University in Turkey. His research focuses on macroeconomics, housing and mortgage markets, monetary policy, and financial stability.
Piera Bello
Università della Svizzera italiana/University College LondonI am a Swiss National Foundation post-doctoral fellow at University College London. I am also affiliated to the Institute of Economics at Università della Svizzera Italiana, and the Dondena Gender Initiative and the Baffi-CAREFIN Centre (Pension economics Unit) at Bocconi University. Prior to joining UCL, I worked as postdoctoral fellow at the Department of Economics at Ca’ Foscari University. I completed my PhD in December 2016 at Università della Svizzera Italiana. From January to July 2015, I was a Visiting Scholar at the Department of Economics of Boston College. I hold a Masters degree in economics from Bocconi University. My work is on public economics. My research focuses on gender issues, migration and population ageing. I am particularly interested in private and public pension systems and the impact of long-term financial decisions. My recent papers investigate the functioning of annuity markets. My work has been published in the Journal of Public Economics, Journal of Economic Geography and International Tax and Public Finance.
Paul Berenberg-Gossler
Hertie School, BerlinPaul Berenberg-Gossler is currently pursuing a PhD in Economics at the Hertie School, under the supervision of Henrik Enderlein. His reserach focuses on the intersection of macroeconomics, finance, and political economy. Previously, he worked as a Research Assistant at the French PM’s Council of Economic Analysis (Conseil d’Analyse économique) and as an Affiliate Fellow at the Jacques Delors Institute. He taught at FU Berlin, Georgetown University, and the University of Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne. Paul holds a BSc. in Economics from the University of Paris II Panthéon-Assas, a Master of Public Administration from Sciences Po Paris and a Master of Public Policy from the Hertie School. Paul is fluent in German, English and French.
Luis Gustavo Bettoni
InsperPhD candidate at Insper, Brazil. Graduation: 2020 (expected). Main fields of interest: macroeconomics and finance. In particular, Macro Labor, Firm Dynamics, Incomplete Markets and Business Cycle.
Suzanne Bijkerk
Erasmus University RotterdamAfter a master’s in economics, I worked for an international audit firm and bank for almost 10 years before returning to academia to pursue a PhD in economics. My research is published in the Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization and forthcoming in the Journal of Labor Economics. I am interested in applied economic theory with regard to markets and organizations, information economics, and labor markets.
Laura Birg
University of GöttingenResearch interests: Industrial organization, health economics, environmental economics, international economics. Last position: Postdoc at Center for European, Governance, and Economic Development Research, University of Göttingen. PhD student at University of Kiel, Germany.
Pietro Biroli
University of ZurichI am an assistant professor of Economics at the University of Zurich. I obtained my PhD in economics from the University of Chicago. My research focuses on the early origins and life cycle evolution of health and human capital. I explore the importance of genetics, family investment, and early childhood interventions in explaining health and economic inequality. More broadly, I am interested in Health Economics, Social Science Genomics, and Applied Econometrics.