Ana Moura
Tilburg UniversityAna Moura is a PhD candidate in Economics at Tilburg University, specializing in health economics and applied microeconometrics. Prior to joining Tiburg University, she worked as an economist at the Portuguese statistics bureau and as a research assistant at Nova School of Public Health and Nova School of Business and Economics. Ana holds a MRes from Tilburg University as well as BSc and MSc degrees in Economics from Nova School of Business and Economics.
Samson Mukanjari
University of GothenburgMy research interest is in environmental economics with a focus on international climate policy.
Jan Müller-Dethard
University of MannheimJan Müller-Dethard war born on 13 December 1992 in Hannover. After graduating in Management and Finance with a Masters degree from the University of Mannheim in 2016, he started his PhD studies in finance at the University of Mannheim in January 2017. His research is primarily in behavioral finance/economics and household finance.
Philip Nadler
Imperial College LondonPhilip is a final year PhD candidate at Imperial College in the Department of Computing. His research is at the intersection of econometrics and computer science with a particular interest in the combination of econometric methodology and machine learning to improve high-dimensional inference. His broader research interests lie in the fields of data assimilation, machine learning, high dimensional time series analysis, financial econometrics and deep learning.
Thomas Neuber
University of BonnI am a Ph.D. candidate at the Bonn Graduate School of Economics with a broad interest in applied microeconomics and empirical methodology. Most of my research concerns behavioral mechanisms underlying cooperative and other-regarding behavior. I conduct experiments in the lab or online, and I work with survey data. I will be on the job market in 2020/21.
Giang Nghiem
Leibniz University HannoverI am a postdoc at Leibniz University Hannover. I completed my Ph.D. in Economics from Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany and hold an M.A. in Policy Economics at Williams College, USA. In my research, I use observational and experimental data to study questions in macroeconomics and household finance. I am particularly interested in studying the heterogeneous effects of households' macroeconomic expectations and macroeconomic experiences on consumption and saving behavior.
Andreas Orland
University of PotsdamI am a behavioral and experimental economist with a PhD from Ruhr-Universität Bochum (2013). My work focusses on macro questions (price-setting and saving), behavioral game theory (classic games like the prisoner's and volunteer's dilemma), and industrial organization. I like to present my research with figures (as you will see in my presentation).
Arianna Ornaghi
University of WarwickI am a British Academy Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of Warwick and a Research Associate at CAGE (Competitive Advantage in the Global Economy), having graduated from MIT in 2017 with a Ph.D. in Economics. My research interests center in political economy. Current projects include work on measuring gender attitudes using text analysis and the relationship between local news content and police behavior.
Sebastian Ottinger
UCLADifei Ouyang
University of GenevaI am currently a PhD candidate in Economics in Institute of Economics and Econometrics at University of Geneva. My research interests include Development Economics, International Trade, Resource Misallocation, and Chinese Economy.