
On job market

Marcin Wolski

European Investment Bank

Marcin is an economist at the European Investment Bank. He has been working in the fields of international economics and policy modelling, with strong emphasis put on complexity economics, financial econometrics and impact evaluation. Before joining the EIB, Marcin visited several international institutions, including the International Monetary Fund, Dutch National Bank and National Bank of Poland. He holds a joint PhD in economics from the University of Amsterdam and Bielefeld University.

Jens Wrona

University of Duisburg/Essen

I am Professor for Economic Geography at the Mercator School of Management (MSM) and the Institute for East Asian Studies (IN-EAST) at the University of Duisburg-Essen. Also, I am a CESifo Research Network Affiliate and affiliated with the Düsseldorf Institute for Competition Economic (DICE) and the Rhur Graduate School (RGS). As a principal investigator I am part of the DFG-funded RTG 2484 - Regional Disparities & Economic Policy. I am doing theoretical and empirical research in international, regional, and labour economics.

Patricia Wruuck

European Investment Bank

Patricia Wruuck is an Economist in the Economics Department of the European Investment Bank where she is responsible for research on skills. She contributes to EIB publications such as the EIB Investment Report and EIB working Papers. Her research interests are in European policy, political economy, trade and human capital development. Previously, she worked at Deutsche Bank Research and Google. Patricia holds a Master from Freie Universität Berlin and a doctoral degree from Mannheim University.