Oscar Soons
University of AmsterdamI am a PhD candidate in the Finance Group of the University of Amsterdam. My main research interest is the economics of monetary unification. Currently, I am working on a paper in which I study the equilibrium consequences of introducing a common safe asset in a diverse monetary union subject to a global shortage of safe assets. Before starting my PhD, I obtained my MPhil in economics at the Tinbergen institute in Amsterdam, and my bachelor’s degree from the University of Rhode Island (USA).
Peter Norman Sørensen
University of CopenhagenI am a professor of Finance at the Econ department of the University of Copenhagen. My research contributions lie in applied theory modeling of agents with private information. Past research focused on herding behaviour, biased advice from reputation-concerned experts, and biases in prediction markets. Current efforts focus on limited attention to information, informativeness of selected evidence, the taxation of financial transactions, and the informational role of private equity funds.
Aurélie Sotura
Paris School of EconomicsAndre Souza
São Paulo School of Economics/FGVDanilo Souza
INSPERDanilo Souza is a post doctoral fellow at INSPER, Brazil. He holds a Ph.D in Economics from the University of São Paulo, where he worked as teaching assistant in several undegraduate (international trade and econometrics) and graduate courses (macroeconomics). Danilo also has experience as an undergraduate professor of Principles of Microeconomics and International Trade at INSPER. His main fields of research are economic growth and development, political economy and labor economics. Learning Python and making beautiful Stata codes are his current hobbies.
Rhiannon Sowerbutts
Bank of EnglandRhiannon is a senior economist in the Financial Stability Directorate at the Bank of England. Her PhD is from Universitat Pompeu Fabra. Her research interests include macroprudential policies, financial regulation and international banking slows.
Christian Spielmann
University of BristolBogdan Stacescu
BI Norwegian Business SchoolFrank Stähler
University of TübingenFrank Stähler is a Professor of Economics at the University of Tübingen, Germany. His research has focused primarily on international trade and foreign direct investment. He has published in the Journal of International Economics, the International Economic Review and others. He is a member of the CESifo research network and an external affiliated member of the Norwegian Centre for Taxation (NoCeT). He is also the co-organizer of the Australasian Trade Workshop (ATW).