Elias Wolf
Freie Universität BerlinElias Wolf is a PhD candidate and research assistant at the chair of Econometrics at Freie Universität Berlin. He holds a Master in Economics from the Freie Universität Berlin. He also studied at the University of California in Davis and wrote his Master's Thesis at the Research Center of the Deutsche Bundesbank. His research interests are in the fields of macroeconomics, macro finance, and forecasting. Methodically, he is particularly interested in state space modelling, time series filters, spectral analysis, Bayesian methods and machine learning.
Zoltan Wolf
US Census BureauJonathan Wolff
Miami UniversityInterested in Monetary and Fiscal Policy, Business Cycles, and Credit Frictions.
Marcin Wolski
European Investment BankMarcin is an economist at the European Investment Bank. He has been working in the fields of international economics and policy modelling, with strong emphasis put on complexity economics, financial econometrics and impact evaluation. Before joining the EIB, Marcin visited several international institutions, including the International Monetary Fund, Dutch National Bank and National Bank of Poland. He holds a joint PhD in economics from the University of Amsterdam and Bielefeld University.
Jens Wrona
University of Duisburg/EssenI am Professor for Economic Geography at the Mercator School of Management (MSM) and the Institute for East Asian Studies (IN-EAST) at the University of Duisburg-Essen. Also, I am a CESifo Research Network Affiliate and affiliated with the Düsseldorf Institute for Competition Economic (DICE) and the Rhur Graduate School (RGS). As a principal investigator I am part of the DFG-funded RTG 2484 - Regional Disparities & Economic Policy. I am doing theoretical and empirical research in international, regional, and labour economics.
Patricia Wruuck
European Investment BankPatricia Wruuck is an Economist in the Economics Department of the European Investment Bank where she is responsible for research on skills. She contributes to EIB publications such as the EIB Investment Report and EIB working Papers. Her research interests are in European policy, political economy, trade and human capital development. Previously, she worked at Deutsche Bank Research and Google. Patricia holds a Master from Freie Universität Berlin and a doctoral degree from Mannheim University.
Inês Xavier
Universitat Pompeu FabraI am a PhD Candidate interested in Macroeconomics and Inequality. My work addresses two important issues facing developed economies today. First, it speaks to the question “why is wealth so concentrated?”. Using empirical and theoretical techniques, I highlight the importance of heterogeneous returns to wealth as a driver of wealth disparity. Secondly, my work contributes to our understanding of the dynamics of low growth, low interest rate economies and the impact of asset price bubbles in such environments.
Yun Xiao
University of AmsterdamI am a Ph.D. candidate in Economics in the Department of Economics, University of Amsterdam (UvA). The Ph.D. position is a continuation of my Research Master's program at Tinbergen Institute since 2017. My research interests are applied microeconomics, development economics, and family economics. I am currently working on quantifying and explaining peer effects in fertility decisions and evaluating the role of public infrastructure in life-cycle human capital development.
Yinxi Xie
Bank of CanadaI'm an economist with research interests in macroeconomics and international finance. My current research includes topics in monetary economics, behavioral macroeconomics, and global supply chains. I received my Ph.D. in Economics in May 2020 from Columbia University. In the fall of 2020, I will join the Bank of Canada as a senior economist.
Fei Xu
Sciences PoI am a postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Economics at Sciences Po and my interests are in the areas of microeconomics and political economy. My work explores issues related to corruption, institutions, public expenditures, incentives and the political causes of economic growth in China. I am also interested in law and economics with a focus on innovation and development. I completed my Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Manchester in 2018.